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super sexy summer

This picture has nothing to do with anything right now, but my friend Adam an editor at GQ took it while front row at men's YSL in Paris a few weeks ago, and it just illustrates hot Carine. Which is something like my kind of eye candy (??) and makes me calm in this bit of storm I'm living in. I just got back from a whirlwind trip to NYC for work meetings which also turned into a food lover/restaurant whore's adventure on the arm of my friend Simone. On my way home from there, I stopped in MN to see my family and pick up my boy who spent a week with grandparents and my siblings.

I've got great pictures to post on NY and I've been writing it in my head but it was truly one of those trips where I was busier than in my real life. I need a vacay from my vacay - which won't happen until France in 3 weeks. I'm stacked up with things to do right up til I get on that flight and here's number 1:

(click to make bigger)
I'm honored to be in the company of these other designers and Thursday night will be a blast. Now I just have to get my line plumped up and ready for show!!
Back to Clare V.

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