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Red Hot Holidays

As I alluded in a previous entry, I shipped a big store this week. Target. One of the biggest of the big, in fact. But hold the congrats, it's only for their Red Hot Shop website - which is still huge for me, but not 4000 units or anything if you know what I mean...But it's terrific and if you don't know it, there's this link on
In collaboration with Daily Candy, they accrue "A monthly dose of chic, unique and sometimes offbeat" items which are not actually sold in their stores, but they think are interesting. Yet another way they keep that store current and way more digestible than their other big box competitors...My exclusive Target, two-toned, snaked embossed leather clutch with a red (hot) tassel and a (red hot) price goes "live" Jan. 1, 2010 (!) and we shipped the order this week!
It was a bit of a mad week - along with Target and all the other lovely Christmas bag orders, there was the wrist wrap mania shipping and London store Bodie and Fou is selling Trops like hotcakes so there were a few last minute boxes-full-o-Trops which were expedited to the UK! Can we get a few good thoughts that they receive the boxes as was promised by shipping company on Monday and that they do not get held up in customs quagmire so those lovely souls over yonder can get their desired Trops by Christmas!

Here are a few snap shots I took this week of us (Jocelyn and I) getting Target red hot clutches out the door, it may not be the typical factory you think of things from Target coming from:

Hot goldstamping each and every one by hand...

No more room on tables, sitting on floor necessary for tying REMAKE labels on each bag - the clutches are made with reclaimed leather.

Here's something I learned these last few weeks: shipping to Target involves boatloads of paperwork! Among all that is setting up my very first UPC code (is that big time?!) and making sure each bag is affixed with "do not suffocate with this bag" notice...reminded me of a great Mad Men episode, but I digress...finally, this happened:

Remember to check out red hot shop come January. OXC
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