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Loveliest of Birthdays

Okay, now the holidays are officially over. Friday was my birthday which is exactly 1 week from New Year's day and exactly 2 weeks from Christmas day. So for 2 weeks after Christmas, I'm always still in holiday mode. This year, for my birthday I scored some pretty lovely jewelry pieces.
I had mentioned a young jewelry designer in a previous post who contacted me out of the blue, her name is Grace Lee and her line is called Oli + Me. (Right now she sells only on Etsy.) I ordered some rings from her, (which she exchanged for bags,) and when I received the package in the mail, she had included this dainty necklace as a birthday gift from her. It was such a sweet gesture as I told her I always wanted a circle pendant which would be an "O" for me - for my boy, Oscar. And she also remembered that I was really into her black items. They are white gold dipped in a black rhodium coating. I haven't taken it off since I received it.
Up close cuteness!
The ring on top is from Grace. It is a black diamond band also dipped in the black rhodium. I like how it looks with my wedding ring + band and the vintage platinum diamond band Oscar (and his papa) got me for mother's day last year.

These are her whisper rings. An amazing deal, she sells them individually or in sets of 5, so I got two sets.
But not only did I get the Grace pieces, I also got a Kathyrn Bentley ring! Oh my god, I'm a huge fan of this designer's work and I've always coveted her snake ring. She happens to live across the street from us, so it is very handy shopping for le mari when he needs to find a gift. This year for Christmas and birthday I sent him to KB. And for birthday, I got the yellow gold snake ring set with baby diamonds! Yay. I love love love it.
And I wear it stacked with Oli + Me whispers. OK. I'm set on rings for a bit.

p.s. I finally figured out how to spell "loveliest." I'm having a spaz spelling day.
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