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Clare V. Opens In NYC!

I was thrilled to see how many lovely mentions our new New York Store got on some of our favorite sites. See who's been talking about #ClareVNYC!


BlackBook gave a fashionable recap of our opening night party, along with their favorite pics from the new store. I love this shot of Mamie in our video. She's got all of her CV bags on one of the prettiest streets in the West Village.

styledotcomblog1 had a first look inside the store, sharing the Barbara Bestor-designed interiors with their readers. Here's a look at our black and blue wall!

elle-comblog wrote up a great piece about the new store, the history of the brand and where we're headed.


I blushed when I read that Marie Claire had a girl crush on me!


I shared my handbag how-to's with Glamour and was so happy to see this picture of me and Mamie from the opening party!


T Magazine zoomed in on the Simone Shubuck collage wall in the NY store that features some of my favorite images, including old photos, sketches by my son Oscar and inspiration images.

Come visit us at 239 Elizabeth Street and read even more about the opening in NY here.


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