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From Paris With Love: My #PFW Diary

Bonjour! I had a wonderful trip to Paris last week to present the Fall collection (look book here) to European buyers. Spring was in full bloom and it was such lovely weather - I even got to bike around town on a Velib - something I've never been able to do, even though I've wanted to for years! IMG_9373 I arrived on Friday around 2 pm completely disheveled and wiped out after the 11 hour flight from LA. I had to get straight to work so I was very pleased to stumble upon the very cute café and market Causses on Rue St. Martin. It was exactly what I needed for the confused state my mind and body were in: a healthy soup, baguette and an espresso. IMG_9383 I had the chance to meet one of my internet friends (I love this, meeting people who I follow on Insta or their blog, in real life) Isabel Oziol de Pignol, the talented illustrator behind the blog Accro de la Mode . It was so fun to get to know her over breakfast at Le Loir dans le Theiere and I hope we can do a project together one day soon! IMG_9388 This little old, bleu shoe repair place is now a café in the Marais called Boot and it is so damn cute, I'll want to photograph it each and every time I pass it. I just will. IMG_9400 Speaking of blue, Boot goes well with what I saw when I stopped by Colette for the obligatory visit: the art show by Melet Mercantile - large collage installation of all things blue, er, bleu. IMG_9406 One of the highlights of the trip was seeing our collab in the windows of & Other Stories on Rue St. Honoré!! IMG_9414 We ate at one of our favorite restaurants Le Verre Volé on Rue de Lancry one night and as we waited for our table outside, the waiter stored our bottle of wine on the conveniently parked scooter. IMG_9434 Notre Dame: These are just the things you see while walking in Paris at night. NBD. IMG_9437 Another one of my favorite restaurants in Paris of late is the French outpost of chef Jody Williams' New York restaurant Buvette on rue Henri Monnier. And I love that she opened her place in the 9th. This neighborhood holds a special place in my heart as it was just around the corner from here where I waited tables when I was 24 at a place called Tea Follies - and spoke barely a word of French. Ahhh, good times. :/ IMG_9453 Rose Bakery at Le Bon Marché is always the best spot to stop for a breather while shopping. (I purchased the most beautiful Sophie D'Hoore pieces.) IMG_9454 We did some grocery shopping at L'Epicerie au Bon Marché, I mean...come on France, could you be any cuter!?!? IMG_9466 At dusk on the last evening - we were dropped off in front of the Hotel de Ville by a brusque taxi driver. No matter, it is one of my favorite buildings in Paris - I was happy to get an up close look at it at magic hour. :)  xcv
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